Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thai Tom Yum

Gary loves Thai food for it's spiciness and sourness. This tom yum soup has loads of ingredients but lack it's spiciness. There will be more Tom Yum soup for the next few weeks.

Nonya Fare

Last Friday I invited my half peranakan friend Julia over for a nonya fare. It's my first time attempting to cook these 2 dishes - bakwan Kepiting and buah keluak.
These 2 dishes are Gary's favourite and we only get to eat it once a year at my aunt's place.
Lots of time is taken into preparing the nut. Soaking, scrubbing and hammering the nut to dig out the flesh. This recipe that I tried is from a friend's mum whose peranakan cooking just thinking of it makes your drool.
I will be trying out more peranakan dishes as I've a big tub of Rempah ready in my freezer. Wait for more posting.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Popiah Party

I love the popiah my aunt makes. At each sitting, i can eat about 3 with lots of stuffing. Gary ever had 6 at one go. Mind you it's not those small spring roll. He loves turnip while i love tulip.

My first attempt wasn't a popiah party but buang kwang as one of our dish for dinner. My success spur me to throw my own popiah party. Made my own chilli and garlic of course.

Here's a photo of what we had for the popiah party. Ever since, if there's any gathering, I will make popiah.

Is popiah party your kind of party?